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The Complete Love as the Basis for Self-Healing Series

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The Complete Love as the Basis for Self-Healing Audio Series

An audio program by Paul Chek

4 downloadable MP3 audio files, plus 4 PDF audio program guides

Love is a big word that is both tossed around lightly and used dangerously in religious and spiritual circles, between friends and in families. It also is the most powerful and liberating force for personal and global transformation, health and happiness.

The 4-part Love as the Basis for Self-Healing audio series explores how Love is an integral stage that all human beings grow into in route to becoming truly Human – Whole and Happy, capable of effectively living from the heart.

In each audio program, Paul will illuminate our understanding of love through a progressive model, uncover:

  • Personal, relational and spiritual empowerment - The natural development of the ego-mind
  • The challenges and traps of misunderstanding Love and our human need for it
  • Recognition of the root "cause" of many health challenges
  • Practical body~mind~emotional self-management techniques

Discover why Love is the basis for Self-Healing and its inherent ability to help you to overcome food addiction, eating disorders and lifestyle-caused chronic disease.

Taken separately, each audio program offers an opportunity for deep personal inquiry and growth. Taken together these webinars offer a powerful basis for genuine self-healing.

The Complete Love Audio Program series includes:

  • Part 1: Unconditional Love Audio Program
  • Part 2: Sex & Violence Love Audio Program
  • Part 3: Conditional Love Audio Program
  • Part 4: Empathetic and Compassionate Love Audio Program

Length of Program – approx. 6 hours

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