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Are You Possessed?

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Are You Possessed?

Audio Program with Paul Chek and Kaedrich Olsen

9 hours 38 minutes of downloadable audio

Kaedrich Olsen and Paul Chek share their extensive experience working with all aspects of entity possession. They discuss the symptoms of entity possession, which sadly is much more common that most people realize.

This amazing and detailed program may be the most comprehensive of its kind in the world today. Entity possession is a field both authors have studied extensively; Paul in particular because of how often he has found these issues directly or indirectly linked to physical, emotional, mental and spiritual challenges in his patients and clients. With the combined knowledge Kaedrich and Paul share in this full-length program, you are not only getting one of the most comprehensive educations available worldwide on the topic, but also you will learn many ways to both protect yourself and heal yourself from entity possession.

Paul and Kaedrich hope that you apply the teachings in your life so you can enjoy much more freedom, creativity and abundance.

The 9 hour 38 minute audio program covers the following topics:

  1. What are entities
  2. Internally-generated entities
  3. Entities of a personal nature
  4. Ghosts
  5. Thought-forms
  6. Fairies, nature spirits, angels, spirit guides, entities from other planes of existence and dragons
  7. Paul's own experience working with a dragon that was given to him by a spirit guide
  8. Consciousness and quantum physics
  9. Researching exploring and validating psychic phenomena
  10. Servitors, tulpas, poltergeists, and near-death experiences
  11. How people get possessions, multiple personality disorder, dissociative disorders, and information about the Black Madonna
  12. Types of dissociative disorders, including fugue states, depersonalization disorder, psychogenic non-epileptic seizures, and a section to determine the differences between entity possession or complexes as defined by Carl Jung
  13. Other common means of acquiring entity possession
  14. The importance of doing the healing work on yourself to prevent entity possessions
  15. Psychedelic's, ley lines, extended isolation, nocebo effect as sources of entity possession
  16. Mediumship, electromagnetic stress, acts of evil, evil or negative spells
  17. Common indicators anyone can use to determine if they have an entity possession
  18. Sleep walking
  19. A healing ceremony story of entity possession and tips you can use, plus more on spiritual emergence, and the importance of consistent spiritual work
  20. Key tips for preventing entity possession
  21. Séance, well-being, and the 4 Doctors health and preventing entity possession
  22. The importance of having a dream, goals and objectives in your life, core values, 6 foundation principles, and learning to discern one’s own thoughts and feelings from external sources
  23. Setting boundaries, controlling one's environment, Biogeometry, Love and other high vibrations that can protect anyone from entity possession
  24. A simple, powerful technique for having your soul clear you of negative entities, disembodied souls or spirits that can have negative effects at every level of your body-mind
  25. What to do if someone is confident that the do have an entity; what are some self-help solutions to clearing and preventing their return and suggestions for finding professional help

About the Authors

Paul Chek is a world-renowned expert in the fields of corrective and high-performance exercise kinesiology, stress management and holistic wellness. For over thirty years, Paul’s unique, integrated approach to treatment and education has changed the lives of many of his clients, his students and their clients. By treating the body as a whole system and finding the root cause of a problem, Paul has been successful where traditional approaches have consistently failed. Paul is the founder of the CHEK (Corrective Holistic Exercise Kinesiology) Institute, based in California, USA and the P~P~S Success Mastery Coaching Program. He is a prolific author of books, articles and blog posts and the host of the popular podcast Living 4D with Paul Chek.

Kaedrich Olsen is a specialist in Paranormal Protection work, a Norse Mystic, and Spiritual Guidance Coach; his expertise has been showcased on Gaia TV and Coast to Coast Radio, and many popular podcasts. Kaedrich has been a guest on Living 4D with Paul Chek exploring Norse mythology, the Vikings, and discussing his book on Runes. Kaedrich has over 30-years of experience in these fields and is a wealth of valuable knowledge and practical information.

Customer Reviews

Based on 4 reviews
No longer possessed after taking this course.

This course blew my mind! It was super informative, and the content was both shocking and eye-opening. I started following the recommendations right away, and started seeing results immediately. This course is definitely worth checking out if you think you may be possessed.

Mikko Saari
More than what I needed, in the best sense

I have had psychosis / mild schizophrenia for 8 years soon, and I've often thought that it must be more than just a biochemical brain thing, unlike what the doctors say. Why? Because it was me experiencing the voices, not the doctors! If the voices were from my brain, you'd expect them to have some of my personality trait(s), but no. Weirder still, I experienced different voices when going to different places, like to different cities or regions.

Now, after going through almost every audio piece in this course, I have finally gotten confirmation to what my voices might actually be, and why, and great explanations to why and how they were born in the first place. Paul and Kaedrich are geniuses on this front, and it is truly great to have real experiential knowledge instead of studies that can be both warped (by quantum observer effect) and corrupted (money baby) at the same time. Paul and Kaedrich have certainly done their own field studies as a part of their careers, and I respect that.

This is not only a course for you if you think you might have a problem with some entity that's in your life, following you, no. This is also a course if you have a problem in life you can't explain how or why it's there. And this is a great course on Paul's other modalities too, like the four doctors, opened my eyes much on that front too.

But, this is not a great course if you're close-minded and quick to judge every "non-scientific" thing as woo-woo or outright lies and fantasy. In that case, I don't know what would be good for you on this front, but if it ain't this, then I really don't know what it would be. At least consider how many people are in spiritual and religious paths: even though much of religions are in some manner or three corrupted these days, it doesn't mean it's all bad. Same principle with spirituality.

This course is most certainly worth every cent for anyone who's ready to at least try digest and apply the information given here. Gets five Gold Stars from me. Thank you.

Alex Vega
Helped me heal myself of entity possession!

I heard about this coarse on Paul’s podcasts living4D two years ago with Kaedrich and really didn’t ever think I would need to buy the coarse because I thought to myself I’m not possessed or ever will be. Fast forward today I randomly while driving home one day experienced a sudden shift in my consciousness that made my head dizzy and had me feel like I was experiencing some form of dissociation. Prior to this incident I had recently wen to a music festival. For some reason I thought about this episode “Are you Possessed?”, from Paul’s podcast and decided to re listen to it, I felt a strong sense that I was probably possessed somehow and so I bought the coarse. Listened to it thoroughly, implemented everything said in the 9hours including buying Biogeometry technologies and very quickly it’s like my soul came back into my being fully and I was and are far more clear headed and no longer feeling a sense of dissociation. I can attest that this coarse

Craig knox
The ultimate guide to understanding ghost

I have never heard such a complete and more detailed break down of the spiritual world. They talk so clearly about ghost, entities, faires and Angels. It's the most beautiful and eye opening thing to listen to. I'll be listening at least 3 more times to get it all.