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Primal Pattern® Movements

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Paul Chek shares his unique approach to preventing orthopedic injury and improving performance through nutrition and optimal motor engram programming.

Primal Pattern® Movements: A Neurodevelopmental Approach to Conditioning - Presented by Paul Chek

Course is completed 100% online. Includes - Manual, 6 streaming videos and test (online testing available)

Today, despite the fact that we have more medical, sports and exercise technology and more doctors per capita than ever in history, we have more orthopedic injuries in almost every category recorded! It doesn't have to be that way. Paul Chek shares his unique approach to preventing orthopedic injury and improving performance through nutrition and optimal motor engram programming.

This course covers the following objectives:

  • Recognize the need for a holistic approach to developing optimal resiliency of the body.
  • Understand the importance of a base conditioning program and what such programs should address.
  • Learn the key concepts behind optimal motor engram programming.
  • 6 videos
  • PDF Manual
  • Online Exam
  • Certificate of Completion

CECs and CEUs: CHEK Institute 3.0, NASM 0.5, ISSA 5.0, AFAA 5.0, Canfitpro 3 FIS, 3 PTS and 3 HWL

Customer Reviews

Based on 4 reviews
Nelson Gomes
Primal Pattern Movement

Much needed foundational knowledge and information to understand how and what to include in programming

Simple and clearly explained!

Gabor Szilagyi
Great lecture

An early lecture from Paul, which is still very valuable and up-to-date.

James Gibbs

Only a snippet, but great to see PC in his early days talking about this. It is a brilliant start to the topic.

Jan Čížek
Primal Pattern Movements

That was my first CHEK course, which I did before two years. In my opinion that is great entry course, where you get idea, how Paul's courses look like and if is CHEK education good for you.