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Integrated Movement Science Level 3 LIVE

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  • $3,325.00
  • Regular price $3,565.00
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Early Bird Discount available when registering up to 3 months prior to the start of the course.

In Integrated Movement Science Level 3, you will learn spinal biomechanics, neurological screening, essential orthopedic screening tests, length/tension assessments, corrective stretching, specific corrective exercise technologies, and how to refer to allied medical practitioners.

Advanced level postural assessment using goniometric technology gives IMS Level 3 graduates the ability to design highly specific corrective exercise programs.

Students of IMS Level 3 also learn how to identify red flags as a necessary system of preventing injury through exercise. CHEK Professionals who complete IMS Level 3 are an invaluable addition to any medical practice treating work, sports, and recreational orthopedic injuries. They are also key contributors to the professional sports medicine and conditioning teams.

Integrated Movement Science Level 3 Learning Objectives:

  1. Learn how to perform a goniometric assessment of posture and relevant joint range of motion.
  2. Learn to perform an effective screening of each individual, ruling out any red flags through careful examination of medical history, orthopedic assessment, and length/tension assessment.
  3. Learn specific corrective exercise for effective spinal or core stabilization.
  4. Learn to design corrective exercise programs.


  • Completion of Holistic Lifestyle Coaching Level 1 Program including exam
  • Completion of Integrated Movement Science Level 2 Program including exam
  • A proficient mastery of all Integrated Movement Science Level 2 concepts and methods
  • Current status as a Licensed CHEK Professional
  • Infant Development 
  • The CHEK Approach to the Lower Limb 

    Customer Reviews

    Based on 1 review
    Next Level Education

    This course is packed with advanced assessments, treatment plans, and education of how the body adapts to conditions the spine is living in. Conditions such as scoliosis, spinal stenosis, ankylosing spondylitis, and many more are addressed, and a comprehensive guide to treating them is taught and applied.
    I do wish the course was longer as it was a lot of information to absorb, but well worth the investment for yourself and the people you will help.