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The Golf Biomechanic's Manual - ebook

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Written for fitness professionals or golf pros interested in exercise, the information presented in this book is an in-depth, detailed look at how different systems in the body affect the game of golf.

The Golf Biomechanic’s Manual, 3rd Edition by Paul Chek (240 page book)

In order for any golfer to improve his or her game, they need to improve upon and condition the most important tool used ... their body!

Paul Chek, internationally respected Corrective and High-performance Exercise Kinesiologist, explains not only the mechanics of the golf game, but also the importance of proper self conditioning to achieve peak performance. Written for fitness professionals or golf pros interested in exercise, the information presented in this book is an in-depth, detailed look at how different systems in the body affect the game of golf.

This is not a quick and easy solution to improving anyone’s game. It will require an investment of time and energy on the part of both the trainer and the golfer. Let's face it, if conditioning for any sport was quick and easy, we would all be elite athletes! But by using the Whole in One approach and following the Flexibility - Stability - Strength - Power formula, golfers will see a significant improvement in their game.

  • Understand why tight muscles affect the swing.
  • Learn how correct stretching before a game can improve performance and why some types of pre-game stretches can actually make the golfer play worse.
  • Know the difference between functional strengthening exercises for golf and bodybuilding-type exercises that are not beneficial for the game.
  • Understand why breaking the Flexibility - Stability - Strength - Power formula can break your body!

Clients using the Whole in One formula have often added over 30 yards to their drive within three months! Why be on par with other golfers when The Golf Biomechanics Manual gives you the very tools to excel above the rest?

For those interested in reading Golf articles written by Paul Chek, visit CHEK Connect; our online CHEK community and join for free!

Chapter 1 - Why Condition for Golf
Chapter 2 - Flexibility: A Balancing Act
Chapter 3 - Stretching
Chapter 4 - How to Warm-Up for Golf
Chapter 5 - Functional Exercise

  • Neuromuscular Isolation - Phase I
  • Neuromuscular Integration - Phase II
  • Dynamic Stability - Phase III

Chapter 6 - Strength Training

  • Golf Strength - Phase IV
  • Golf Strength - Phase V

Chapter 7 - Power Training

  • Golf Power - Phase VI
  • Golf Power - Phase VII

Chapter 8 - Now That You're Hooked!

I bought The Golf Biomechanic's Manual and have been following the program for three months. This is the most fantastic compilation of training technique and information I have ever seen" — Michael D. Rutkowski, USA

Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
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I have left a full review on the non ebook version. The ebook however is great and of good digital quality. Handy for quick references in the gym. Highly recommend for professional and layman gymgoer alike.

Johel Zea
This is clinical!

The Golf Biomechanic's Manual gives you all the necessary steps to take your golf players through their offseason and season safely & helping them to improve their performance. 4 simples steps to follow Flexibility, Stability, Strength & Power and your clients will be in the right path to a successful career! 100% recommended.